Huawei launches its carrier consulting services to create multi-dimensional value

Huawei launches its carrier consulting services to create multi-dimensional value

concept of future technology 5G network wireless systems and internet of things

Huawei has announced the launch of its Carrier Consulting Services and 5G Consulting portfolio and practice. Huawei Carrier Consulting Services’ aim is to help carriers to proactively cope with the opportunities and challenges brought by new technologies, business and models, to create and obtain value for customers.

With changes to the ICT industry and the emergence of new technologies such as 5G, cloud and AI, and the rise of B2B market demand, carriers are facing more and more uncertainties and refined operational challenges.

To solve these difficulties, carriers require comprehensive professional consulting services and solutions, covering strategic predictions, top-level design, product and offering designs, end-to-end network planning, operation optimisation, and reconstruction and ecosystem value-based operations, to maximise investment benefits, achieve sustainable development and positive business cycles. On this basis, Huawei will now offer consulting services for the carrier market and its customers.

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