VeeamON Resiliency Summit to feature new strategies for tackling ransomware

VeeamON Resiliency Summit to feature new strategies for tackling ransomware

Veeam Software has formally announced the launch of its VeeamON Resiliency Summit, an online event scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 24. The summit aims to educate enterprises on cybersecurity and offers new updates for the Veeam Data Platform. It will feature demos of Veeam Backup & Replication v12.1 Update and panel discussions with industry experts, partners and customers.

Anand Eswaran, CEO at Veeam, said: “At Veeam, our mission is to help every company in the world not only bounce back from an outage or data loss, but to bounce forward. We call this idea radical resilience – it’s what we care about and what our customers do after they recover. By providing the shortest gap between incidents and recovery, our customers can keep their business running, growing and moving ahead.”

The summit will showcase updates to the Veeam Data Platform for the second half of 2023, featuring enhanced security and ransomware protection. These improvements are integrated into Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam ONE, and Veeam Recovery Orchestrator. This new release provides comprehensive data security and automated recovery solutions across diverse IT environments: Multi-Cloud, Virtual, Hybrid, Physical, SaaS, and Kubernetes.

Danny Allan, CTO at Veeam, and Bryan Seely, a cybersecurity expert and former US Marine, will host keynote sessions. Seely will offer insights into data resilience from a hacker’s viewpoint. Susan M. Gordon, former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence of the US, will join Eswaran to explore the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

Veeam plans to roll out a new security certification program during the summit to boost users’ confidence in their ability to recover from cyber incidents. The summit will also present a new lineup of security alliance partnerships, aiming for a more integrated security ecosystem.

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