e& enterprise’s sustainable business solutions: Navigating a greener future with ‘Sustainability as a Service’

e& enterprise’s sustainable business solutions: Navigating a greener future with ‘Sustainability as a Service’

Alberto Araque, CEO of e& enterprise IoT & AI puts it simply, Sustainability is not just a service, it's a promise to our future

In a world increasingly concerned about climate change, the demand for sustainable practices is growing. 2023 is seeing continued evolution of workforce based on global ambitions to reach net zero by 2050.

The UAE is leading the way in this global effort, with a deep commitment to environmental care, echoing the sentiments of its leaders, including His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who once spoke passionately about the bond between the nation and its surroundings, emphasising the importance of cherishing and protecting it for the generations to come.

“We pay the utmost care and attention to our environment for it is an integral part of the country, our history, and our heritage. Our forefathers and our ancestors lived in this land and coexisted with its environment, on land, and at sea, and instinctively realised the need to preserve it.” His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

His sentiment is echoed by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who have both voiced a strong commitment to creating a balance between economic growth and environmental care.

As the world faces challenges such as global warming, energy shortages, and rapid industrial and commercial growth, the demand for sustainable solutions is loud and clear. Stepping up to this call is e& enterprise, with its innovative Sustainability as a Service offering. This service is a guide to organisations on a well-planned journey toward sustainability, meeting current business needs while fostering environmental responsibility.

Why Sustainability Matters

Embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices enhances brand reputation, attracts investors, improves employee retention, aids regulatory compliance, and boosts profitability through operational efficiencies and cost savings.

The Journey to a Greener Tomorrow

e& enterprise lays out a clear four-step journey toward sustainability:

Step 1: Analyse

GHG Accounting: Formulating a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory, marking the boundaries for Scope 1 (direct emissions), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased utilities), and Scope 3 (other indirect emissions) to capture the full spectrum of an organisation’s carbon footprint. This phase includes collecting relevant GHG data across different organisational locations and business processes, followed by pinpointing emission hotspots and formulating initiatives to mitigate the emissions impact. Collaborative evaluations with stakeholders are fostered to set realistic sustainability goals and designing a plan to navigate the operations toward a more sustainable trajectory.

Complete ESG: A thorough review of the ESG practices is conducted to gauge current maturity, benchmark against industry standards, and identify crucial topics, paving the way for a solid Materiality Analysis and a comprehensive Sustainability Roadmap.

Step 2: Record and Report

This important step involves using modern technology to automate data collection, breaking down data silos to foster a collaborative mindset towards sustainability, and diligently tracking performance against set goals to measure progress.

The alliance with Microsoft’s Cloud for Sustainability elevates the capability of e& enterprise in this critical step. This platform automates data collection and consolidates sustainability insights, enabling accurate emissions calculations across Scope 1, 2, and 3.

Step 3: Reduce, Replace and Remove

e& enterprise has launched a suite of smart solutions designed to enhance operational efficiency and reduce resource consumption. These include Smart Spaces, which achieve up to 30 per cent in energy savings and up to 50 per cent improved space utilisation. There is also the Smart Building and Energy Management system, which can attain up to 30 per cent in energy savings and up to 40 per cent % in operations optimisation. The Smart Parking solution helps reduce commute time by 60 per cent and up to 80 per cent in operations optimisation. With Smart Waste Management, organisations can achieve up to 60 per cent reduction in transportation and up to 80 per cent in operations optimisation. The Smart Lighting system allows users to gain up to 75 per cent in energy savings and up to 80 per cent in operations optimisation. Lastly, the suite includes Smart Environment Monitoring.

These solutions are key components of e& enterprise’s “Sustainability as a Service” model, helping organisations reduce emissions and eliminating unsustainable practices and paving the way for greater sustainability. They help organisations to automate their operations, make data-driven decisions, diminish their environmental footprint, and uplift the welfare of their communities.

Step 4: Govern and Sustain

In the fourth step, the focus shifts to governance and sustenance, ensuring that the positive changes implemented in the preceding steps are maintained and further improved upon over time. It ensures that the organisation remains committed to its sustainability goals and is well-positioned to adapt to evolving sustainability standards and requirements.

A Center of Excellence is created, constituting a team of experts available round the clock. This centre encompasses Subject Matter Experts, Energy Analysis, and Performance Tracking functions, which work synergistically to ensure the sustainability measures are governed properly and are sustained over the long term. The robust governance structure ensures that the sustainability measures are not just one-off initiatives but are ingrained into the organisational culture, setting the stage for continuous improvement.

Sustainability as a Service:

e& enterprise’s Sustainability as a Service model offers a structured approach to seamlessly integrate sustainability into business operations. This holistic yet adaptable model is designed to evolve through well-defined steps, making it easier for organisation to achieve short-term and long-term sustainability goals. By engaging with e& enterprise, organisations benefit from expert sustainability services on a subscription basis, eliminating the need for in-house expertise.

Making a Lasting Impact:

Alberto Araque, CEO of e& enterprise IoT & AI puts it simply, “Sustainability is not just a service, it’s a promise to our future.” By making sustainability a core part of its services, e& enterprise aligns with government policies and global sustainability goals. It also meets the growing demand for sustainable practices in the market. This approach brings together good business value, cost savings, and a strong commitment to sustainability goals, making a strong case for the Sustainability as a Service model. This effort goes beyond just meeting targets, inviting organisations to join a larger movement toward a harmonious and sustainable future.

The well-laid strategies of the UAE National Energy Strategy 2050 underline the nation’s commitment to a sustainable and economically viable energy future. This robust roadmap, aligning with global sustainability aspirations, serves as e& enterprise’s guide in assisting organisations to work toward a more environmentally conscious operational model.

For those keen to be part of a sustainability journey with e& enterprise, visit our website or contact our sustainability consultants to explore how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

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