
Smart device hacking gets real

For years now, cyber security risk exaggerators have been talking about the threat to connected devices from hackers and other cybercriminals. But most observers have scoffed at stories of networked fridges or...

Are you paying attention to the rise in ransomware?

Paladion, a security services provider in the Middle East, has said that the fastest-growing area of cyber crime has developed into a $1 billion-a-year industry complete with customer care departments set up to secure...

Mobility helping to drive SMB batting potential

The explosion of smartphones and tablets is transforming the way we communicate, work and manage our personal lives. We stay connected everywhere, and collaborate on the go at every opportunity we get. We need the...

BYOD = ‘Bring Your Own Disaster’ ?

As adoption of wearables becomes more mainstream in the Middle East, it brings added complexity to BYOD in an enterprise. One of the more interesting features of wearable tech is its ability to tether to, and control,...

Improving network security

In May this year, we posted results of our ‘network protection survey’, which looked – among other things – at best practices in companies that were highly successful at network...

Making life easier with document capture solutions

C suites around the world are buzzing about digital transformation. But here’s the truth: A huge number of business processes still run on paper. More than three-quarters of global professionals are reliant on...

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