
Veeam: embracing digital transformation to meet the needs of the always-on...

A hot topic for organisations in the Middle East, digital transformation. It is signalling big changes for how the modern, always-on enterprise runs their business. It promises to bring with it opportunities to...

Digital Shadows’ CEO & Co-Founder: ‘When imitation is not the...

The huge cost of cybercrime was once again graphically illustrated a few weeks ago by a story on the BBC of a hacker who allegedly used phishing techniques and fake websites to steal over $100m from two major US...

What makes us Red Hat?

Open source software is, in fact, eating the world. It is a de facto model for innovation, and technology as we know it, would look vastly different without it. On a few occasions, over the past several years,...

4 steps to help telecom operators in the Middle East future-proof their...

Standing still is the kiss of death for any telecom service provider. If you fail to evolve, your competition advances. Ultimately, you’re either left in the dust or rendered obsolete. It’s imperative for...

VAT introduction is the case for e-invoicing & e-archiving solutions

VAT will transform the way trading companies across the GCC conclude business transactions – be it a sme/ smb or a large enterprise. It is the case for IT solutions, such as e-invoice suite and e-archive suite,...

Document Digitisation – On the Road to Digital Transformation

For many companies in the Middle East, the biggest challenge when establishing a digital transformation strategy is to determine when and how to digitise paper documents. The decision-making process needs to factor in...

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