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Endava maintains growth in Latin America through an innovative strategy

Endava consolidates its nearshoring offering and expands its operation in Latin America. Going from being just a team member to a partner in a successful business that is attractive on the New York Stock Exchange is a...

Webdox consolidates its contract lifecycle management offering 

The Chilean company Webdox, an expert in digital contract lifecycle management, will expand its operations to other countries. Webdox has been operating for over 10 years and quickly expanded from Chile to other...

Get to know: Paola Bonilla, Executive Director, CRC Colombia

On the lighter side of things, we ask Paola Bonilla, Executive Director, Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) in Colombia, what makes her tick. What would you describe as your most memorable achievement? A...

Enabling business: Why security needs ‘grey’ areas in the age of hybrid wor...

Modern workforces require security solutions that not only keep the business and its data secure, but which also ‘enable’ rather than halt productivity. Mike Schuricht, VP of Product Management, Security...

Mavi Occidente pioneers new shopping experiences through PWA technology

The Mexican retail specialist, Mavi Occidente, decided to boost e-commerce with Adobe, a leader in Digital Transformation in customer experience. The result was a 100% improvement in performance and a 50% reduction in...

Konecta Peru moves forward to implement remote work supported by Lenovo...

Carlos Rafael Alayo Velásquez, CIO, Konecta Peru, explains how the Peruvian BPO provider overcame the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by improving productivity, efficiency and customer service. Konecta...

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