Syndio analytics platform measures equity for Lumen employees

Syndio analytics platform measures equity for Lumen employees

Lumen Technologies has partnered with Syndio, the leading workplace equity analytics platform, to advance its pay equity goals.

“We are committed to rebuilding Lumen starting with our people and prioritizing this partnership with Syndio is a strong example of that commitment,” said Kate Johnson, President and CEO, Lumen.

“Syndio’s platform will play an important role in advancing pay equity at Lumen and, importantly, it will ensure we can measure it. Deepening our understanding of equity issues in our workplace helps us strengthen our culture of trust and transparency among our employees – our most valuable assets.”

Syndio’s Workplace Equity Analytics Platform provides visibility to potential pay and other workplace disparities. While Lumen has been conducting pay analyses for many years, Syndio will help advance Lumen’s pay strategy to ensure fair compensation across the company well into the future. Lumen is also committed to sharing insights with employees. 

“In the past two years, we’ve seen everyone – from employees to shareholders and legislators – demand more from their employers. Workplace equity isn’t a nice-to-have anymore, it’s a business imperative to keep and retain talent,” said Maria Colacurcio, CEO, Syndio. “Lumen is leading the way as a company that’s incredibly committed to the journey that is realizing workplace equity – and not just as something that’s the right thing to do, but to having a conversation about it and communicating their progress along the way.”

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