
Securing connections in the cloud and across IoT devices

As today’s highly competitive and hyper-connected digital marketplace is driving new trends in networking and security, including the rapid adoption of cloud services and IoT devices, Jonathan Nguyen-Duy, Vice...

Five steps to putting your people at the heart of the public sector’s data s...

In order to drive efficiency within a company’s business strategy, it must operate with a strong data-literate culture. Jordan Morrow, Global Head of Data Literacy, Qlik, explores the steps that public sector...

Automating the fight against large-scale cyberthreats during and...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are important components in helping enterprises maintain organisational resilience and detect cyberthreats. Asher De Metz, Lead Senior Consultant at Sungard AS, discusses...

Five leadership maxims for today’s cybersecurity leaders

Curating a highly skilled, capable and resilient workforce is the key to success when leading a team. M.K. Palmore, VP, Field Chief Security Officer for Palo Alto Networks, discusses five ways to become a strong...

Reflections of a new CISO: Five lessons learned

What’s it like to be a new CISO? What challenges await you? How might you address them? Lenny Zeltser shares the lessons he learned after becoming the CISO of a fast-growing cybersecurity company. He’s...

Subex expert on the cyberthreats facing manufacturers

Attacks on manufacturing organisations can be particularly disruptive and, with the ongoing convergence of IT and OT systems, it’s critical that CIOs take steps to secure their critical infrastructure. Vinod...

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