
Why IT security teams and employees need to work together to secure finance...

Financial institutions stand the best chance of achieving cyber hygiene if they make it their mission to teach their workforce about important cybersecurity behaviors. David Sajoto, Vice President of Sales for Asia...

Concurrent DevSecOps unlocks agility to accelerate APAC’s Digital T...

Anthony McMahon, Regional Director, APAC, and Valerie Silverthorne, Senior Content Editor, GitLab, discuss how improving collaboration across different teams can pay significant dividends. As the COVID-19 crisis...

APAC cyberthreats: Security needs to emulate process and risk management

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many changes in the working world. Vladimir M. Yordanov, Senior Director of Solution Engineering, Gigamon Asia Pacific, explains the cyberthreats which organisations now face and...

IT is challenged but will emerge stronger than ever

Jacqui Guichelaar, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Cisco, discusses the recent Cisco survey in which CIOs reveal their fears, strengths and strategies for coping with the pandemic. In my...

No silver bullet to deal with cyberattacks

Yaniv Hoffman, Vice President Technologies, Radware, tells Intelligent CIO APAC, how the attack surface has expanded in recent times. The pandemic threatening our global economy, has impacted significantly online...

Customer service is the key to continuity in the era of disruption

Customer service must be engrained into every facet of the date center providers’ industry. Hiroshige Sugihara – Head of APAC, Colt DCS, explains how companies can ensure continuity in the era of...

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