AI Expo Africa launches AI art challenge
AI Expo Africa has launched a challenge to create an original piece of artwork or music that leverages AI

AI Expo Africa launches AI art challenge

AI Expo Africa, the largest business focused AI event in Africa, has launched a grand challenge to create an original piece of artwork or music that leverages AI.

There will be one winner for each category (visual art and music) and winners must be citizens of an African country and living in Africa.

Awards will be presented to the winner at the exclusive AI Expo Africa VIP event on the opening night in Cape Town, South Africa on September 3 – with the music track(s) being played during the event and artwork on display.

Both sets of work will also be auctioned during the exclusive networking and drinks reception event on September 4.

First prize in each category (music and visual art) will receive a VIP full access ticket to the event, including refreshments; US$600 contribution to flights to Cape Town (limited to economy flights within Africa); US$250 contribution for two nights hotel accommodation, 50% share in action proceeds of the art and music, with 50% also going to the charity, Starting Chance; a TV or media interview plus a social media and press release for the winners; a speaking opportunity in the case study track at AI Expo; and valuable networking opportunities with the largest AI tech community in Africa. There will also be prizes handed out to the second and third placed creators.

Visit here to sign up.



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