
Preparing for hybrid work in Africa

By using technology to facilitate communication and collaboration, we can create a virtual workplace that is as productive and engaging as a physical one says Yesh Surjoodeen at HP. As leaders take action to...

Renewable energy companies in Africa must protect against cyber threats...

Cyber threat actors see an opportunity as African energy companies embrace renewable energy and digital microgrids writes Bernard Montel at Tenable. Green energy is a key piece of the puzzle for the future of our...

Why African businesses need to follow well-trodden path while moving to the...

Understanding how and where the journey to the cloud should start remains the biggest obstacles for African organisations writes Cameron Beveridge at SAP. Companies are in a race to achieve new digital capabilities as...

Why digital experience is the way forward to build customer loyalty

This year, businesses will have to dig deep to deliver the tripod of better CX, lower costs, and more efficient operations says Sandie Overtveld at Freshworks. The past few years, while littered with planet-scale...

When everyone is responsible, no one is responsible

Getting to Zero Trust security is now a mandate for many companies, as the traditional security model is no longer enough to protect against today’s threats says John Engates at Cloudflare. Over the last few...

Data in motion can assist fraud detection, anti money laundering

Fraud is, regrettably, on the rise. UAE authorities seized $691 million in assets and confiscated assets worth $596 million in the 12 months to the end of July 2022 as part of a renewed push in anti-money-laundering,...

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