
Four ways the technology market will change for African IT decision makers

Rajesh Kandaswamy at Gartner describes four technology trends that may impact African IT enterprise decision making including federated buying, product led growth, digital marketplaces, Metaverse technologies. Change...

A fight with cybercriminals: The phishing call that nearly emptied a bank...

A few years ago, phishing attacks were often carried out over email, but recent attacks have been more pervasive as ruthless threat actors accelerate the abuse of phone calls, text messages and social media. A regular...

Why hyper-digitalisation is now the new agenda for regional CIOs

Assimilating into the new paradigm, ensuring congruency between departments, maximising returns on investments will require CIOs to get their priorities in order, writes Abhay Pandey at MAST Consulting.   The...

How digital technologies are disrupting and benefiting air transportation and...

The future of travel is set to be transformed by a range of powerful megatrends, from emerging technologies to societal and economic trends says Gustavo Pina at SITA Lab. The shifting staff culture and great...

African enterprises must begin cloud migration

Lift-and-shift migration is better for application workloads that are monolithic in design rather than ones natively written for a scale-out architecture says Phillip de Waal at Nutanix. A carefully planned cloud...

Preparing for hybrid work in Africa

By using technology to facilitate communication and collaboration, we can create a virtual workplace that is as productive and engaging as a physical one says Yesh Surjoodeen at HP. As leaders take action to...

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