UK Prime Minister calls for nation to act as global leader in AI regulations amidst fears

UK Prime Minister calls for nation to act as global leader in AI regulations amidst fears

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has urged the UK to become a global leader in developing international regulations and guidelines around Artificial Intelligence, ahead of a meeting with US President Joe Biden in June.  

Following the UK’s whitepaper issued in early 2023 which highlighted the benefits of AI, the Prime Minister is rapidly changing his position as he becomes wary of the dangers and threats this piece of emerging technology could potentially cause. 

Sunak is set to travel to Washington DC on June 7-8 to have meetings with the US President, members of Congress and business leaders, where officials state he will discuss the issue of AI regulation and call for the UK to play a leading role in creating global guidelines.

The PM met four top technology executives from OpenAI, Google Deep Mind and Anthropic to discuss AI regulations and is taking on board warnings from global AI experts who highlight the importance of improving regulations. 

“Artificial Intelligence has the potential to be an extremely useful business tool so it is great to see the government prioritising the creation of clear guidelines,” said Sridhar Iyengar, Managing Director for Zoho Europe.

“A global approach is needed from experts and leaders in government and industry to ensure safe and ethical use of AI technology for all, especially as technology developments are so fast moving in this space. Public trust must be gained for AI to be embraced and education around its benefits can help.”

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