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Peek & Cloppenburg Düsseldorf modernises its retail operations with ...

German retailer looks to Oracle’s retail merchandise and cloud ERP offerings to increase productivity, reduce costs, simplify its operations and foster growth. Peek & Cloppenburg, a family-owned fashion...

Europe’s full fibre frontrunners revealed by new Copper Switch-Off Tracker

Portugal, Spain and Swedenare ahead of the pack when it comes to phasing out legacy copper networks in Europe, a new study from the FTTH Council Europe has revealed. Launched at the FTTH Council Europe’s Policy D...

Birmingham City ‘keep right on’ with IT transformation journey as it agrees Int...

One of the West Midlands’ fastest growing managed IT, communication and cloud security solutions providers has strengthened its footprint in the sporting world with a landmark football deal. Birmingham’s Intercity, whi...

Infobip and Telekom Business Europe partner to help businesses connect with...

Global communications platform Infobip and a leading enabler of B2B digitalisation, Telekom Business Europe, have partnered to enhance the telco’s communication platform solutions. This new co-operation helps b...

European enterprises race to implement AI and automation but strategy lags...

European enterprises are accelerating the adoption of AI and automation technologies, with 92% of organisations implementing these solutions in the past two years, according to new research from Digitate, a leading...

atNorth joins Danish Data Center Industry Association

atNorth, a leading Nordic colocation, High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence service provider, has announced it has joined the Danish Data Center Association (DDI) as part of its continued...

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