US Signal, primed to scale, safeguards sensitive information

US Signal, primed to scale, safeguards sensitive information

Protecting against cyberthreats

Security is top of mind for US Signal, a leading provider of data center and cloud services. With eight data centers in the Midwest, the company hosts cloud solutions, provides colocation space, and delivers best-of-breed security services powered by its own secure, robust fiber network.

Customers in health care, banking, and other industries rely on US Signal’s HIPAA- and PCI-compliant infrastructure to keep information safe. They consider US Signal an extension of their own IT security teams and trust the company to protect their businesses from cyberthreats, ransomware, and online attacks.

In 2020, US Signal decided to expand its cloud footprint and data protection capabilities to additional data centers. The company had seen 300 percent growth in its data center business over the previous five years. It sought to meet increasing demand for its services from customers during a period when many businesses were migrating to the cloud to support remote work.

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