South Africa

Boosting SME’s in Africa with FinTech and mobile banking

FinTech and mobile solutions have been able to expand the reach of SMEs through digital payments, making it possible for them to attract a larger customer base and this includes population that may not have access to...

As holiday accommodation is booked out this holiday season, guests will be...

As owners of guest lodges, Airbnbs and other types of holiday accommodation gear up for the busy season, they need to ensure that they are delivering a good WiFi experience for guests. It is becoming increasingly...

Centralised data management is critical for African mining operations

Mining companies operate from a head office and multiple remote mining sites creating disparate IT systems, distributed data storage, unmanaged solutions, creating fragmented and disconnected data sets, leading to...

Why African enterprises should not over-trust AI

Generative AI models are trained on data from various sources, and these sources are not all verified, lack sufficient context, and are not regulated, which poses risks that can have long-term consequences if users...

Building a unified portfolio management office across five countries   

Momentum Metropolitan Africa, has successfully implemented Project Portfolio Office’s project and portfolio management solution, using an agile approach across five African countries, including...

Leveraging AI for customer communication management

The smart and calibrated use of AI is a great example of how technology supports a transformative evolution of businesses’ capabilities to create mass communication that is personalised, compliant,...

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